Sunday, 3 July 2016


Countless words won’t bring them back because I’ve tried, neither will tears because I’ve cried. To the world they may seem like wayward teenagers partying their lives to the grave but to those who understand and treasure the sanctity of life, they were the world. The little angels definitely had a memory of their lives’ journeys, so never argue that they forgot where they had come from. I can say they were true to their age and developmental stage, living for today because they knew not what tomorrow would bring or take away.
Your death is not a departure but a waking call and a reminder of the precious persons that you were in our hearts. The single white party that people are blaming did not make you less of human beings. Death comes when it must, and nothing can stop it. Arguably, I hope you had enjoyed more of these because you seemed to understand all that pertains to life.
About Death
Immortality is the only antidote to death, but it is oftentimes said than experienced. In the contemplation of death, human beings will turn to forces that are presumed to offer immortality, precisely found in the religious promise of heaven or reincarnation. I don’t subscribe to such and for the first time, I will borrow from the stoicism school of philosophy.
‘In the heart of every parent lives the tightly coiled nightmare that his child will die. This may spring up in the logical times- when a toddler is running into the streets, or it might sneak up in quieter moments. It is a fear that is thought to be an evolutionary motivation for parents to protect their children, but is haunting nonetheless.

spare them your wrong-headed sermons and criticisms!
Traveling all this distance to attend a white party is a sign of the determination and strong will that these angelic heats shared. Who are you to say they were demonic and irrational beings? At the very least, they wined and dined with people their age, which makes them a thousand ways better than the cheap and selfish whores cruising with aged sponsors in 4 × 4’s every weekend.

Even the supremely uptight human beings will silently agree to the fact that party girls live a tremendously exciting, effervescent and fabulous life. Whether saved or not, it is important to acknowledge that human life is a collection of outrageous stories, which could either entertain or disgust future generations. The K.U comrades chose a path that would entertain, and this does not in any way make them worse than the introverted whores. I will vouch for an openly vibrant and outgoing life, compared to the masked devil attending vespers and participating in every religious activity as they wait for that one weekend in a month when they will attend sex orgies in secluded apartments.

The pure souls were urban legends of the millennial age, sprinkling stardust across the surface of this dismal planet. A party girl exists as a highly misjudged species of women but if you so dare to look beyond this overly simplistic stereotype, you will find out that they are interesting beings, undeniably fabulous and extremely successful.

Partying grounds act as premier training grounds for a corporate culture, giving the girls more and more energy to stand the demands of a vibrant nightlife. They have lived and wined with men their age, and as a result, gained the power of saying ‘NO’ when they really mean it. If you thought that the thighs you see in their short skirts and booty pants are free tickets to their underpants, you are misguided and living in a world devoid of logic. 

They have chosen the quintessential social environment and with time, have gained the kind of social skills that no Ivy League education will provide. These are mega-independent and super-confident creatures, who don’t require molly-coddling to survive. Before you pity their parents and argue that these were lost teenagers and signs of a dying generation, think twice and ask yourself why you are not having half as much fun yet you are a lobby lizard.

Life is all about what you perceive it to be. They had their fair share of it and no one is righteous or justified enough to judge the manner in which they lived it. If you have done so, shame on you! You have way more problems to solve in life than these girls. Get a life brother and sister!

Fare thee well
Friends, comrades and loved ones, it has been one short journey that didn’t see you to your prime but for the short time that you were around, the world was an interesting and more comfortable place with you in it. You made the clock tick from Friday to Sunday but above all, you lived age-appropriately and did what you thought was meant to offer happiness.

A dying person needs to die, as a sleepy man needs to sleep, and there comes a time when it is wrong, as well as useless, to resist it. You ran a good race, and no human being can ever understand or explain why it had to happen during such a time. Although it is difficult today to see beyond our sorrow, may your memories bring comfort for tomorrow.

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