Thursday, 21 April 2016


Whoever thinks that modern-day women don’t have the same urge to see new men naked is sadly misinformed.  They have a genetic predisposition to feed their holes with either food and/or cock, but the intellect with which they conceal their intent is overwhelming. This is besides the story. The article is about why men should cheat with all their might, especially successful men!

Men should never be ashamed of infidelity. Instead, understand what it is, embrace it and perfect the art of cheating rather than sitting ignorant in a small dark world of one selfish lady troubling you in a monogamous relationship.

It ups your game
Whether you are a sex mogul or a crawling novice, nothing could be more truthful than the cliché ‘practice makes perfect’.  It drives me nuts to see millennial ladies whining about poor performance from their husbands when they have actually let themselves go. They have stopped doing anything but the bare minimum sexually. This begs the question as to where, as a spouse, you will get the experience and sexual drive to satisfy the lady that is already developing a voluminous sexual appetite. The answer is simple; sleep with as many attractive women as possible.

I hope this appeals to the men that suffer vibe deficiencies too. [I don’t mean to hurt your ego]. The more you approach ladies with the intent of exploring their nakedness; the greater the prospects of improving your skills. I am referring to both verbal skills and sexual orientation. With time you will realize that the better you get at sex, the less remorse you will feel towards your wife or chic. After the clandestine affair, your wife will reap the most heated and sex-fuelled night of her life and cease the routine complaints. Make good use of your energy while it lasts because as you grow older, libido fades. Beyond 60, you will only be good for one rodeo every two days. This is not to mention of women the same age because the V-sign could have gone rusty for lack of clientele.

It boosts your ego
Woe unto you if you are dating or married to the universally acceptable blonde. I am talking of the intelligent lady, ever loyal, respectful, educated and sexually appealing. This is the kind of woman you MUST cheat on in order to satisfy your ego. It probably burns in her mind or will at some point emerge as to why she is married to an overly-macho and weak-minded guy like you. When this happens, she will pass glances at the shamba boy and mysteriously notice the neighbor rolling in a 4×4. And when you cheat on her please, let the side-chick be somewhat unattractive, awkward in terms of wardrobe combinations and generation below the X-axis with regard to stature.

My brother, even Biblical allusions have no record of a woman marrying multiple men. At worst, they were harlots. In essence, it is only men that are licensed to cheat. Cheat on that loyal woman to gain power over her. While this is a sign of weakness and a flawed self-esteem, at least it will satisfy your ego.

Fidelity is overrated
We are living in a period where young girls have commercialized sex. In their prime, which is normally 14-22, they will see every man that seems to have a future. At this age, young guys are playing the field, trying to amass some wealth. Men can only chase one thing at a time. Either money or women. This explains why sponsors are chasing after young girls because in their youthful age, they were busy collecting shiny assets. Where on God’s green earth will you find a good wife then? In this generation where teenage girls know more than their mothers? Fidelity is just overrated. Women have had a fair share of their cheating and yours has just come. Grab it! Utilize it! Cheat like there is no tomorrow! Fuck around as if the hang-man’s rope is right before your front door.